Quotes by

Alin Sav

Popular Leadership Quotes

Small mind look after big stages. Great minds don´t need stages.

– Alin Sav

Management is when you want to lead people. Leadership is when people want to follow you

– Alin Sav

If you don´t like the backstage work, the mainstage is definitely nothing to think of

– Alin Sav

If you look after real leaders, go backstage

– Alin Sav

Most of the leadership happens backstage

– Alin Sav

A leaders does not count the hours he worked, but the people he influenced

– Alin Sav

Weak HR-Managers hire titles. Visioinary HR-Managers hire people

– Alin Sav

Don´t hire titles, hire people

– Alin Sav

People do the work, not titles

– Alin Sav

A humble person can lead any person

– Alin Sav

You are not a leader when people follow your profile or posts. You are a leader when people follow your example

– Alin Sav

A leader has always two thing in focus – the people and the process. That´s how good results happen.

– Alin Sav

People do the work, not titles

– Alin Sav

A humble person can lead any person

– Alin Sav

You are not a leader when people follow your profile or posts. You are a leader when people follow your example

– Alin Sav

A leader has always two thing in focus – the people and the process. That´s how good results happen.

– Alin Sav

Popular Motivational Quotes

If it costs you your relationships, stay away from that opportunity

– Alin Sav

90% would have success if they wouldn´t hesitate 100% to do it

– Alin Sav

Silence is the best asset in a world full of noise

– Alin Sav

When you try to please everyone, then you still don´t know your value

– Alin Sav

If you want to be different that the rest, be nice

– Alin Sav

Kind people always stand out of a crowd

– Alin Sav

When everything else fades, try kindness

– Alin Sav

It doesn´t matter that much who you meet, but rather who wants a second meeting with you

– Alin Sav

Whatever you plan to do for next year, don´t aim for average

– Alin Sav

No one is greater than his last act of kindness

– Alin Sav

Don´t make people remember you, rather not forgetting you

– Alin Sav

Your best day yet? When your haters copy ideas they´ve critizised your for

– Alin Sav

As long as people copy you, you´re the original not the fake

– Alin Sav

In a social media world full of influencers, you will stand out with a big character

– Alin Sav

Let your character influence people

– Alin Sav

Don´t let titles manipulate you

– Alin Sav

You can´t be greater than your level of humbleness

– Alin Sav

People who keep talking and do nothing, are poison. Stay away from them. They don´t have a message, they just have too much time to waste.

– Alin Sav

A good speech inspires a crowd. A good character inspires a generation.

– Alin Sav

People with good principles don´t need a microphone

– Alin Sav

You can´t be greater than your level of humbleness

– Alin Sav

People who keep talking and do nothing, are poison. Stay away from them. They don´t have a message, they just have too much time to waste.

– Alin Sav

A good speech inspires a crowd. A good character inspires a generation.

– Alin Sav

People with good principles don´t need a microphone

– Alin Sav

Popular Christian Quotes

I am open minded as much as Jesus was

– Alin Sav

If we are not hidden in god, we hide from God

– Alin Sav

Worship music gives you wings during fellowship. God´s Word gives you wings for everything beyond that

– Alin Sav

Louder music doesn´t make God´s presence more present

– Alin Sav

When your day ends on your knees, you are not defeated, you´re a defender

– Alin Sav

Loud music can´t replace weak sermons

– Alin Sav

The Church survives without music, but it dies without the Word

– Alin Sav

Sometimes modern worship music is not enough to keep the church growing and prospering

– Alin Sav

Why is worshipping God easier than following Him?

– Alin Sav

We are so full of worship music, and so empty of God´s Spirit

– Alin Sav

We live in an era of christianity, where the church finds it easier to praise God, than to live for God, where entertainment is a Sunday goal and repetence just an option

– Alin Sav

A moral life is not a ticket to heaven

– Alin Sav

Failure that leads to faith in God is also called “success”

– Alin Sav

You don´t need to perform miracles, in order to make people believe the Gospel. Believing the Gospel is a miracle itself

– Alin Sav

Many people with good intentions will change absolutely nothing

– Alin Sav

A moral life is not a ticket to heaven

– Alin Sav

Popular Political Quotes

The american people want peace over principles, the same americans want principles over peace

– Alin Sav

In close minded parts of the world, homosexuals are getting arrested for their lifestyle and beliefs. That is wrong. In open minded and liberal parts of the world, Christians get arrested for preaching their truth. Liberals are ok with that.

– Alin Sav

Truth doesn´t care about minorities or majorities opinions. A bigger getting minority can´t change lie into truth

– Alin Sav

Small mind look after big stages. Great minds don´t need stages.

– Alin Sav

Popular Business Quotes

If you pay attention to the customers, they will pay attention to your products

– Alin Sav

If you are not willing to pay the price, people won´t buy into your idea

– Alin Sav

Marketing is when you pay for attention. Branding is when people pay attention

– Alin Sav

Marketing is when you look after people. Branding is when people look after you

– Alin Sav

If your team lack trust, a pay award won´t fix it

– Alin Sav

In a bad company, the managers will hate you for your high level of self awareness. In a good company, managers pay attention and offer your space for personal development

– Alin Sav

A simple facebook page is not a successful startup

– Alin Sav

Hire a work, you earn some money. Hire a visionary and you´ll win some markets

– Alin Sav

It´s getting harder to find the right job candidates with a coffee and free water

– Alin Sav

Social Media connects people. Too much social media disconnects people.

– Alin Sav

Innovation happens when people enjoy the process

– Alin Sav

Hire a work, you earn some money. Hire a visionary and you´ll win some markets

– Alin Sav